Mix #119 José González, Cocoon, dj flugvél og geimskip (Airplane and Spaceship) et The War On Drugs - Graffiti Urban Radio, tous les mardis de 20H00 à 22H00 en direct live Sonic Story # La playlist - José González - Stay In The Shade – Lovestain - With The Ink Of A Ghost - Every Age – Abram - Cycling Trivialities - Stories We Build, Stories We Tell - Killing For Love - Line Of Fire - Cocoon - Comets - Chupee - Sushi - Back To One (feat. Clou) - Cocoon - Blue Night – Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand cover) COCOON - On My Way - Retreat (feat natalie prass) - The Road (From Road 96) - dj flugvél og geimskip (Airplane and Spaceship) - Ráðabrugg Villikattanna (Evil Plot of the Wild Cats) - Gamli fjandi (The Old Snake) - Trommuþrællinn (The Drum Slave) - Jarðætan - Hjari veraldrar - Leynistaður guðanna - Hellirinn biður - No Lagging of the Jet (feat SassyBlack) - War On Drugs - Best Night - Your Love Is Calling My Name - The Animator - Come To The City - An Ocean In Between The Waves - Reverse The Charges

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