* UNDER THE CONFLICTS "Braindead" en concert à St Gilles X Vie le 12/11
* IMMOLATION "Noose of Thorns"
* SONATA ARCTICA "Shamandalie"(live) en concert le 12/11 à Nantes
Live Report Festival Metal Vouziers Pt 1
* ANATHEMA "Shroud of Frost"
* PRIDE OF LIONS "Unbreakable" titre rejeté de la bo Rocky 4 !!!
Live Report Festival Metal Vouziers Pt 2
* GOHRGONE "Storm of Defeat" (new-m&o)
* NUITH "Lost Ulysses" (new-m&o)
* SKID ROW "Time Bomb" (new)
* TOTO "Mr Friendly"
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