Mix #118 Cock and Swan, Jessica Lea Mayfield, Little Dragon et Cold War Kids - Graffiti Urban Radio, tous les mardis de 20H00 à 22H00 en direct live Sonic Story # La playlist - Cock and Swan - Animal Totem - Night Rising - Following Meltdown - SILM - PERG (Honing) - What Was Life? (What's Your Problem?) - Never Been So Lost - Jessica Lee Mayfield - Do I Have The Time - Standing In The Sun - No Fun - I Wanna Love You -Wish You Could See Me Now - Offa My Hands - Meadow - Sorry Is Gone - Little Dragon - Pretty Girls - Klapp Klapp - Killing Me - Cat Rider - Shuffle A Dream - Feather - Twice - Pretty Girls - The Pop Life - Cold War Kids - We Used To Vacation - Louder Than Ever - Something Is Not Right With Me - Saint John - Bulldozer - Relief - Fear and Trembling

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